Bli kjent med oss i All onboard
"We haven't heard of anyone who took care of their employees – and regretted it."
Vi har vært leverandør av gode opplevelser og minner siden 1999!
We specialize in activities in the eastern part of Norway, where we provide both land-based and water-based activities. We arrange events wherever you are in the entire Oslofjord, from the Swedish border to Kragerø. The Jomfruland, Færder, or Hvaler National Park, unique archipelagos, rich history, and exciting islands make this an experience our guests will remember.
Success criteria
- ZModern high-quality equipment
- ZMotivated employees who are happy to go the extra mile
- ZGood follow-up and planning of the event
- ZWell-proven activities and destinations
- ZCustomization of the trip and event to the guests' wishes and needs
Delivery guarantee
- RAll Onboard has a delivery guarantee for all of our activities.
- RWe guarantee a professionally executed event.
- RIf, for safety reasons, the event cannot be carried out, we will offer an alternative location and/or activity in consultation with the customer. We deliver something that works, no matter what.
- RFor us, safety comes first, and as long as it is safe, we will carry out the event.
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People you will meet:
Arne Georg Rønning
Han trives egentlig hvor som helst, spesielt når det har noe med aktiviteter å gjøre eller gjester å engasjere. Eier og daglig leder av All onboard og har jobbet med team og aktiviteter helt siden 1999. Trives ekstra godt i rib eller seilbåt, og drar gjerne på tur med mindre grupper i Norge og Europa. Utvikling, salg og teambygging er andre oppgaver han løser i All onboard.
Kristian Bartnes
Kristian always has a sparkle in his eye, a witty comment at the ready and a contagious charm and humor. He has a hand in all the productions on land and ensures that there is system and order in what we do. Kristian likes to exercise and keeps in shape.
Helene Rønning Rustan
A mother of young children with a focus on logistics and attention to detail. Helene never says no and likes to go the extra mile for our guests. With many productions on land, she has been with us for a long time.
Lars Lauritzen
With a background in the military and a love for order and system, Lars is a team player from handball and never afraid to lend a hand. Warehouse, logistics, and land activities are tasks that Lars performs brilliantly.
Eirik Rustan
This guy loves food and practical solutions and work. Eirik closely follows many projects, and is a great resource at our land activities.
Bjørn Håkon Ordemann Semb
Bjørn Håkon er blid og imøtekommende kar. Han jobber til daglig med prosjektledelse, og liker å kombinere logistikk med gode kundeopplevelser for å skape det beste arrangementet for dere! Bjørn Håkon har lang erfaring i All onboard, og gjennomfører alle typer arrangementer.
Isak Tønnesen
Engagement and joy characterize this great guy from Trøndelag. Solution-oriented, prepared, and ready for action early and late. Isak is also very good as an event speaker and in our land activities.
Herman Wessel
Herman is a sailor and RIB skipper with extensive experience at sea, including on board the full-rigger Sørlandet and many hours on board boats and RIBs in particular. You will always get humor and a good story if you go on a trip with Herman. We also benefit from Herman's humor and great effort in land activities.
Pål Windingstad
Konsulent på heltid og ribskipper hos oss siden 2015. Pål er en glad gutt med masse humor og en dyktig formidler av historier. Seiler også så ofte han kan i sin First 40.7.
Lars Andreas Bjerck
Sjømann på heltid og ribskipper i ledige turnusperioder. Lars tar også vakter på Redningsskøyta i Horten. Seiler Melges på fritiden og er gjerne også med på landevent.