soapbox racing

Ready – set – GO

Number of participants

10 - 3000 people


1,5 - 2 hours


All year round

Kappkjøring har i alle tider fenget og utfordret oss. Rally Dakar, Grand prix, Le Mans og mange fler, men hvem er egentlig best når det gjelder? Olabilrace engasjerer og vekker mange minner.

We can promise high effort and great enthusiasm with the Soapbox Racer Derby. Cooperation, design, technical solutions, and strategy are important elements to succeed in this fun exercise.

Den første timen skal hvert av teamene designe og bygge en solid, kul olabil. Med hjelp av deler, materialer og verktøy som ligger klart i pit stop.

Mot slutten åpner vi «pimp my ride» hvor det er tid for lakkering og dekorering av bilene, noe som er svært populært og sikrer at alle blir engasjert på ulike måter i denne aktiviteten.

«Let the race begin!» 
The race takes place on a track with turns and roundabouts, where two cars drive towards each other. The race starts by signaling lights and is commented on by our speaker along the way.

After the final, there will be an award ceremony and, of course, champagne for the winner. We provide tents, an engaged speaker, and music.

We have carried out this activity in parking lots, parks, beaches, on islands, and in warehouses. If snow is present, we can swap the wheels with mini-skis.

Awards for the fastest and coolest car will be presented.

Både innenlands og utenlands har mer enn 35 000 gjester deltatt på dette.
Dette passer nær sagt overalt!


Number of participants: 10 - 3000 people

Number per team: 4 - 10 people

Season: Year-round, in winter we can provide mini-skis instead of wheels

Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours

Other: Need a flat area

Can be arranged in Norwegian and English.

Equipment and safety

We bring all parts, tools, battery drills, and materials

All drivers wear helmets

To avoid accidents and excessive speed, we race in a small area with limited speed

We have first aid equipment with us at all events

Success criteria

Engaging, with competition and lots of laughter

Mer enn 35 000 fornøyde deltakere

Creating a show and circus-like atmosphere

Suitable for "everyone," both theoretical and practical-minded individuals.